Katrin Bergener


01/30/2020 to 05/05/2024, Alexander von Humboldt-Haus (Auditorium)

The Welcome Centre for internationally mobile researchers and the research funding support SAFIR, together with the WWU Vice-Rector for Research Prof Monika Stoll, invite interested members of all faculties and research institutions to this event. We are particularly pleased to welcome the President of the Humboldt-Foundation Prof Hans-Christian Pape and the Foundation's head of the division "Life sciences" Dr Oliver Lange on this occasion.


2.30 pm Admittance

3.00 pm Opening by the rectorate

3.10 pm Keynote "Humboldt-Foundation" (Prof Pape)

3.25 pm Introduction of Humboldt-sponsorships (Dr Lange)

4.15 pm Funding of research projects and international mobility by Welcome Centre, SAFIR + Brazil Centre

5.40 pm Networking and buffet in the lounge


Registration until 27.01.2020 by https://bit.ly/Humboldt-Day