EU-Lunch Talks Together with safir, the European Research Services GmbH and the International Office, the Centre for Europe would like to encourage a regular exchange on EU research at the University of Münster (UM). The aim of the meetings is to enable an exchange of experience, promote networking within the university and ultimately also to contribute to increasing the chances of success of future EU applications with UM participation. At each meeting, there will be a short impulse from scientists who will report on their experiences in EU projects (both from the perspective of the application and from the perspective of the reviewers). After each impulse there will be the opportunity for questions, exchange and discussion. The events will usually take place as "Lunch Talks" around noon. The respective impulse will be held either in German or in English. We invite all researchers at the University of Münster who are interested in research in an EU context, regardless of whether they are experienced or not. Instead, we would like to establish an internal university network of people interested in EU funding opportunities. We ask for a binding registration for the respective dates. The Zoom-link to the events will then be sent to you shortly before. If you have any questions regarding the event series, please contact Dr Roman Walega ( I register for the following exchange events: You can of course register for all events that interest you. You will receive the corresponding Zoom link shortly before the event 23.01.2025, 12:00-13:00 pm - Presentation of EU Mentoring Network and Information on ERC Grants (with Nicola Willenberg & Dr. Roman Walega, Centre for Europe; Silke Krol, European Research Services GmbH) 08.10.2024, 12:00-13:30 pm - Presentation of newly established EU Mentoring Network and Information on ERC Grants (with Nicola Willenberg & Dr. Roman Walega, Centre for Europe, Oliver Panzer, European Research Services GmbH) 23.04.2024, 12:00-13:30 pm - Information event on ERC Starting Grants (with Oliver Panzer, European Research Services GmbH, Prof. Dr. Helmut Zacharias, Center for Soft Nanoscience, and Prof. Dr. Seraphine Wegner, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry) 26.09.2023, 12:00-13:30 pm - Funding opportunities in the field of climate, energy and mobility in Horizon Europe (presented by the NCP Climate, Energy, Mobility) 09.05.2023, 12:00-13:30 pm - New type of EU Funding: Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe (with Oliver Panzer, European Research Services GmbH, and Dr. Roman Walega, WWU Centre for Europe) 09.03.2023, 12:00-13:30 pm - Information Event - Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe (with Oliver Panzer, European Research Services GmbH, and Dr. Roman Walega, WWU Centre for Europe) 15.12.2021, 12:30-14:00 pm - Information event on ERC Advanced and Consolidator Grants (with Oliver Panzer, European Research Services GmbH, Prof. Dr. Helmut Zacharias, Center for Soft Nanoscience, and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Erker, Organic Chemistry Institute) 05.10.2021, 12:00-13:30 pm - Information event on ERC Starting Grants (with Oliver Panzer, European Research Services GmbH, Prof. Dr. Katrin Tent, Department for Mathematical Logic and Foundational Research, and Prof. Dr. Martin Salinga, Institute of Materials Physics) 21.06.2021, 12-13 pm - Information event on the EU framework programme Horizon Europe and possibilities for expert activities (with Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, Rector, Oliver Panzer, ERS GmbH, Dr. Roman Walega and Dr. Katrin Bergener, WWU Centre for Europe) 05.05.2021, 12:30-14:00 pm - Experiences with ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants within the Humanities and Social Sciences (with Prof. Dr. Kristin Kleber, Institute of Assyriology and Near Eastern Archaeology, Prof. Dr. Niels Petersen, Faculty of Law, and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Quandt, Department of Communication) 21.04.2021, 12-13 pm - Experiences in the application and implementation of Erasmus+ Capacity-Building Projects (with Dr. Katrin Bergener and Dr. Armin Stein, Department of Information Systems) 13.04.2021, 12-13 pm - Experiences in the application and implementation of Erasmus+ Support for Policy Reform (with Vivian van Gerven, International Center for the Study of Giftedness) 25.03.2021, 12-13 pm - Experiences in the application and implementation of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships (with Dr. Dennis Dreiskämper, Institute of Sport and Exercise Science and Andreas Hermann, Department of Information Systems) 16.03.2021, 12-13 pm - Experiences in the application and implementation of Erasmus+ Mundus Master programmes (with Dr. Christoph Brox, Institute of Geoinformatics and Dr. Michael Räckers, Department of Information Systems) 11.03.2021, 12-13 pm - No opportunities for humanities scholars in Horizon Europe? Check out the diversity of topics in Cluster 2, Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society! (with Christa Engel, DLR Project Management Agency, Humanities and Social Sciences) 02.03.2021, 12-13 pm - Experiences in the application and implementation of COST Actions (with Prof. Cornelia Denz, Institute of Applied Physics) 23.02.2021, 12-13 pm - Information on the new research framework program Horizon Europe (with Dr. Roman Walega, WWU Centre for Europe) 09.02.2020, 12-13 pm - Experience in the application and implementation of joint projects in the humanities and social sciences (with Prof. Oliver Treib, Institute of Political Science and Prof. Marcello Parreira do Amaral, Institute for Educational Science) 28.01.2021, 12-13 pm - Experiences in the application and implementation of joint projects in medicine (with Dr. Jürgen Schnekenburger, Biomedical Technology Center of the medical faculty of Münster) 15.12.2020, 12:30-13:30 pm - Experiences with ERC Starting Grants (with Prof. Oliver Treib, Institute of Political Science, Prof. Helmut Zacharias, Institute of Physics, Dr. Manuel Van Gemmeren, Organisch-Chemisches Institut, Prof. Björn Braunschweig, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Prof.'in Angela Schwering, Institute for Geoinformatics) First name * Last name * Institution at the University of Münster * Email Address * Please enter your email address so that we can send you the Zoom access data for the respective event.